Sunday, May 4, 2008

sensus fidelium

Literally the "sense of the faithful." Just as the Spirit infallibly guides the magisterium so that it doesn't propose teachings that would lead the whole Church into error, so there is a flip side to the infallibility coin: The faithful, as a whole, have an instinct or "sense" about when a teaching is—or is not—in harmony with the true faith.

But that is not the only thing it on.

sensus fidelium

What is this sense we have of faith...where does this instinct come from? I think it comes from a source...not found in the material world...but in the soul...where the spirit of God...speaks...and if the soul is quiet...we listen.

I am concerned about this thing called spirituality. I am concerned because it is now mixed with Pop Culture...icons of the material world are now confused with the Tarot card reading...and tea leaves...are now the staple. Tolle and his ilk have millions jumping off cliffs into the abyss of nothingness...but together they fall...into this grave of minds gone mad on some elixir to fix what ails them.

Why is this happening? Because a generation of narcissists came together at this point in history...and it is their legacy that their children are now experiencing.

You see narcissistic people hold no regard for anything or anyone...but are in constant need of parasites feeding off of the life of others...never quite satisfied with the meal...hunting for new sources of "me fixes"...they have become legion...and they find each other in the electronic pond of the internet.

And so...slowly I look to Thoreau, and his pond...and I understand why he finally said...enough...enough of humanity...or lack of it.

So Oprah and her kind can have it...this little world of narcissism where a woman's picture will be on the cover...month after image only she can love...with admiring lemmings to kneel at the alter...of a new prophet...for a new age...

But, you see there is one thing these people cannot do...that is, they cannot enter where they are not little vampires of myth...they stand outside the door waiting for you to invite them in....Don't...let them pass...and remember...they will be feed...and like the vampire of myth...will attempt to "turn" don't invite them in...

Join me instead at another that is that includes sensus fidelium...a sense of the faith...and if you are there...nothing can disturb your peace...and nothing can disturb your faith.

The Lass

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