Thursday, January 3, 2008

A friend called tonight...asked me how I was feeling...

I told him...well...this is how I am feeling...and he too...

Satie's Gymnopédies

I learned to play the piece on the piano...and
Erik Satie was a genius...simple and emotional...that is how it feels to both listen and play...but of the gymnopedies...number one is my when my friend asked me...I remembered this tune which actually has been running through my head today. Sometimes people...just make you feel a certain way...this is how he made me feel...

This is what he said of himself...

As a person, I am neither good nor bad. I waver between the two, so to speak. So I have never really done harm to anyone - nor good, come to that.
All the same, I have plenty of enemies - loyal enemies, of course. Why? For the most part, it is because they don't know me - or only know me second-hand, in short, through hearsay (lies worse than death).
Man can never be perfect. I bear no grudge against them: they are the main victims of their ignorance and short-sightedness.... Poor folk!...
So I am sorry for them.
Let us pass on. I shall come back to this subject later.

Interesting perspective...I think that is why I like his work so much. please enjoy this little piece...

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