Monday, December 10, 2007

Mary...I remember her well

The JFK assassination launched more than mere curiosity for a small Texas launched a lifetime pursuit of answers...Mary's quest for truth.

I knew Mary, as a friend. I visited her home, spent a Christmas with her family, and found her to be enigmatic. Mary had many we all do. Her life was complex and her inner life would be difficult to understand. I knew Mary as a mother of a friend of mine...she and Buck visited us in Alaska...Buck's visit Alaska.

Mary's home was filled with newspapers and files piled in some sort of chaotic organization, that only Mary understood. I listened to her talk about her computer...and the three by five cards that would be entered into a that would launch a not life.

Mary will always remain in my will my time spent with her, her family and her data..

I will remember you...

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