Monday, March 17, 2008

The world of love....and good things

It is always good to know that stories end well. They end well for people who truly deserve it. People of the heart I would say. People who have the good fortune to find happiness, family and the love of people who remain the end.

It is a time to rejoice and be happy for those who find such things in life.

It is a true blessing from God.

These days people who I hold dear are finding love...have finally found it...and in that I am content...

So today is filled with God's joy and happiness for those I have known, or those I have known little. They came around to the side of light...and found something very special in their lives.

Marriage and the bonds that keep people together are important. I am wishing all the happy couples out there...a wonderful new life...and the joy only such fulfillment can bring.

Carpe Diem...

The Lass

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