Well, here is the deal...and a big one. Sex in a relationship...is the thing that makes the difference between nothing and splendor...well it is. We are made for it...designed for it...and with the right partner in a loving relationship...well...that is what is...divine...making love...is making life....don't think so? Well read on...
Lust alone does not cut it...but when two people find themselves in love...then love is transformed into sexual energy...and that energy is something that can be part of the renewal of the love...constantly flowing...seeking...finding...renewing...and yes...enjoying...pleasing...
There is a myth out there that sex for Christians is wrong...wrong again.
"The Bible isn't shy at all about speaking to this crucial issue of sex. It is my prayer that God might use this study guide to enlighten, heal, and liberate you. Because if your sex life is going to be all that it should be, then you must seek to understand God's mind on the subject. God's will is always good, acceptable, and perfect. Let's trust God to show us the best and most bountiful way to experience His blessed gift of sex."-Kay Arthur
"the two shall become one flesh"?
It's so incredible, so awesome: Sex, by God's design, is becoming one flesh. When God made Adam and Eve distinctively male and female, He designed them anatomically so they could physically become one flesh in the act of sexual intercourse.
God formed us to know no greater ecstasy than when a man and a woman literally merge into one flesh. Hormones, nerves, sensory receptors, and other specific physical characteristics are all part of His divine design for our pleasure in the physical oneness of marriage.
An ecstasy beyond exquisite.
A oneness washing over you, a wave of passion carrying you weightless to a sea of delight.
Passion that loses consciousness of anything else. Exhaustion that leaves you spent, drained of tension, and filled with satisfaction, total satisfaction.
Sex has a beauty all its own and-wonder of wonders!-God invented it.
You do realize, don't you, that God didn't have to make sex so pleasurable! He could have designed it to be very mechanical, much like the instructions on the Drano can: To make a baby, first do this, then that, and follow with this. Be careful of such and such. Nine months later you should produce a child; if not, repeat entire process again until successful.
No feelings, no passion, no exhilaration-just mechanics.
Never! That's so far from what God intended in creating sex. Sex is not meant to be mechanical; it's meant to be passionate. Sex, in its perfect form, brings the intimacy of not only truly belonging to another but longing for the presence of our beloved. In its hallowed purity, the union of a husband and wife becomes a holy metaphor of the wife God seeks for His Son, of the oneness He longs to have with His chosen people Israel.
I often speak of covenants of good faith and fair dealing...but there is a covenant between two people that defines it all...
A covenant is a solemn, binding agreement between two parties-one lesser and one greater, or both of equal status-who commit themselves to each other under certain conditions. A covenant once made is never to be broken. In a covenant relationship, two become one; they no longer live independently. They are now bound to protect and defend one another, share everything in common, be there for the other until death. So solemn is this arrangement that God becomes the sovereign administrator of every covenant, watching to make certain its conditions are fulfilled.
The Book of books, the Bible, opens with a wedding and a home in a garden, then it closes with a wedding and the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.
And what do we find in the middle of this Book of books? We find the greatest of all the love songs ever written: the Song of Solomon. A song that from beginning to end extols the beauty of sex according to God. A story of unquenchable, priceless love, a love that so satisfies our deepest longings that we turn to no other, for we know, "I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine, … and his desire is for me" (6:3; 7:10). A book that does not mention God-and doesn't need to, for it is the very expression of all God intended when He made us male and female and brought woman to man. A book that cautions us not to arouse or awaken love until it pleases, lest we mar its intended beauty and unique intimacy.
So...is sex to give us life...and touch...and arouse all that is in us...to complete the love we have for each other? Yes...indeed. You see in the end...women don't mother men...they love...they make love to the men they love...and that is the only way to expressing that most powerful drive in us...to express it.
How the couple explores their sexuality is between them...but express it they will...are there taboos? well...that is between them...and they will find what pleases both of them..
In the end...there is nothing unhealthier to me...than repressed, cold..non passionate love...it is the slow death...
oh...and one more thought...it is something that needs be said...arousing this in each other is a good thing...in a loving relationship...arousing it by words or play...is part of the mix...play...is part of it...and loving play...well flirt with your divine complement...and you will see...the fireworks...and something more...a flame...but one that continues to burn with each encounter...
Now...worshiping with lips...a thousand ways...to find pleasure...and a lifetime to do it...does it get better than that? Think about it...then let me know...
the greatest sex scene of all time??? haha
Well to some...haha
But for me...it is a scene I created myself...with my intimate soul mate...
the lass
Friday, March 28, 2008
sex you said? Oh...that thing...
Posted by
A lass
1:47 PM
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