Why folly?
1: lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight2 a: criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct bobsolete : evil , wickedness ; especially : lewd behavior3: a foolish act or idea4: an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking5: an often extravagant picturesque building erected to suit a fanciful taste
Well I would say that about sums it up. I have read The Economic Stabilization Act and it is imprudent and lacks foresight. It is criminally and tragically foolish.
Well what the enemies of freedom, and free enterprise could not do...our own government has done. And Mr. Paulson, you gave us this answer? It appears to me that you think "A lie told often enough becomes the truth".
John Adams must be rolling over in his grave...requesting God in his heaven to allow him to come back...and slap the hell out of the men who have seemingly destroyed everything our founding fathers so bravely fought for.
John warned...There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.
True John...but you could not have envisioned these predators...these cowards, these lazy men with a pen. And how could you? A little tea...and a revolution was sparked...Mr. Paulson and the House of Representative hacks are asking us to drink Kool-Aid, and it looks like we are drinking it, bottling it for future generations, and making it sound so good as to ask for more.
The science of government it is my duty to study, more than all other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiation ought to take the place of, indeed exclude, in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain. John Adams...
Decency has left the halls of government...and we are now in the hands..of the few and the corrupt. So I suppose these guys remembered only one statement from the founding fathers..."We must all hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately" Sorry Ben...they are certainly hanging together...my thought, they should hang separately.
Dark day today...
To my fellow Americans...We must hang together now...they came in the middle of night, and stole our future...and we drank their Kool-Aid and have been made ill from the taste.
Oh... and to the Congress of the United States...“Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all” I guess you prefer Nikita Khrushchev to John Adams.
Love the Lass...
Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.
George Washington
They have got possession...
This is a manufactured crisis...and they got possession.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Paulson's Folly
Posted by
A lass
8:29 AM
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