Sunday, April 13, 2008

the prodigal son...a story....and a message

Everyone knows the story of course...but do they?

you see the story is a story that many parents know...all too well...but I say this...God in Heaven...sees each heart as one to his mercy...and love. I know this...from all that I see and all that I know...

Suffering through the paths a child takes....can break a parents heart...but...never will they stop loving...and hoping...I woke with this one thought...Be strong...believe...and know that all will come at the appropriate time...and love transforms all things...truly it does. Just know that it does. Who this message is for...I don't know...All I that I need to write this message in the bottle.

And that is all I know...

Be strong...

You will see your hope come will whoever you are...that needed this message tonight.

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